“Science is simply the word we use to describe a method of organizing our curiosity” -Tim Minchin
Our Vision
Science is a conversation rather than a set of facts. We hope for a society where this conversation is more inclusive, where scientific discourse is open and welcoming to all curious minds. Understanding not just what we know, but how and why we know it, is the essence of scientific knowledge; however, this critical information is often made inaccessible by a breakdown of communication, use of jargon, and the hindrances made by paywalls. Fortunately, these are not intrinsic barriers, and with effort, they can be lessened or removed entirely.
We think the community will be enriched, and science advanced, as we achieve a broader range of scientific engagement. Knowledge of the world around us only makes it more beautiful: Whether it be inspiring the next generation of scientist, or talking about science news with our neighbors, our society will be richer from the interaction.
Our Mission
The SciAnts team is dedicated to making science more accessible to our entire community. We strive to achieve this through a variety of mediums, ranging from traditional to the unconventional; this includes school visits, digital outreach (via Twitch and YouTube), a children’s book, and even a science focused video game. We are constantly evolving, trying to expand our audience by exploring and embracing new venues as they emerge. While we are based in the United States, we hope to engage a more global community through the use of digital medias.
SciAnts is a unique partnership of scientists, each bringing their technical knowledge and skill sets to create an accessible and engaging format for scientific discourse. They donate their time to share their passion for science and science communication with other curious minds.
Antonia the leaf cutter ant, the original SciAnts spokes person!
Our Team
Bálint is a research scientist and artist, responsible for many of the visual elements of SciAnts and cast of Science Communication Characters. His research interests include the biology of leaf cutter ants, neurobiology, and innate immunity.
Lita is a research scientist, artist, and writer, responsible for our children’s books and many designs you see here. Her research focuses on neural regeneration, epigenetics, and memory formation.